A Complete Guide That How Often Should Curtains Be Dry Cleaned?

azdrycleaners November 1, 2022

Curtains made from linen, silk, or other sensitive fabrics will require professional curtain dry cleaning, as hot water, detergents, and constant scrubbing in the washing machine can easily cause damage such as shrinkage or fade. Curtains can be a costly investment in your home, so taking care of them is important to provide years of enjoyment. 

Curtains are absolutely essential items in a home. They not only add beauty to your home but also block dust from the outside, prevent wind from blowing too hard and let in the right amount of sunlight. However, since curtains often go unnoticed, it’s easy to overlook taking care of them altogether. Many homeowners still don’t know how often to wash their curtains and how to dry and clean them properly.

Curtains Dry Cleaning

Our Curtain dry-cleaning methods

Curtains made of silk, linen, or other sensitive fabrics should be dry-cleaned by a professional. This is because hot water, detergent, and constant friction in the washing machine can easily cause damage such as fading or shrinking. Curtains can be a costly investment for your home, so it’s important to take care of them to give you and your family members years of enjoyment.

When do blinds need cleaning more often? 

While cleaning your curtains every 3-6 months is fine for most household needs, we recommend cleaning more often if the following factors are important: in your house:

  • Dry clean your curtains

If your curtains are large and heavy, you may find it easier to dry them professionally. The Textile Services Association website recommends reliable curtain dry cleaning services by zip code, as well as advice on garment care. If your curtains are velvet, canvas, chenille, tapestries, brocade, wool, or silk, they should be dry-cleaned. The same goes for curtains.

Curtains Dry Cleaning

  • Allergy

Curtains can trap a variety of common allergens including dust, pollen, mold spores, pet dander, and fluff. If you or a family member has allergies, regular curtain dry cleaning and carpets should be an important part of your household routine.

  • Smoke

Smoke particles from cigarettes, cigars, and pipes are easily trapped in the curtain fabric. If you don’t want your curtains to yellow or have a strong smoke smell in your home, make sure there’s plenty of fresh air and dry-clean the curtains monthly if possible.

  • you live near the sea

If you live near the sea and especially if you have a view of the sea, salt is not your best friend. Salty sea air can affect curtains as well as windows. High-volume curtain fabrics are your best bet in these cases and regular cleaning is a must.

Keep your curtains in top condition

  • Remove all hooks and curtain weights before loosening the heading tape. If the fabric is likely to shrink slightly, shorten the hem. To remove dust, shake the container.
  • Soak the curtains in cold water for a few minutes. Then, depending on the fabric, carefully wash it. When hand-washing curtains, make sure the detergent is completely dissolved before immersing them. Do not wring or rub.
  • Thoroughly rinse. Squeeze out as much water as possible, or use a quick spin in the washing machine. Use a delicate program if washing by machine.
  • After the Curtains are Dry Cleaning, iron the curtains while they are still damp. Work lengthwise on the wrong side, gently stretching the fabric to prevent puckering seams. 
  • Hang the curtains while they are slightly damp to allow them to fall to the proper length.